Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What's up now?

I thought it might be time for a check-up. While you might think my musical odyssey should be wrapping up right about now, it's not. I've seen 14 + 3 (Julie Doiron, Calvin Johnson, Slow,Down Molasses) + 2 (Antibalas, Mobadass) = 19 artists since last Thursday. In the home stretch I think I'm going to focus on quality rather than quantity. So here is the list thus far, keeping in mind plans often change in rapid fashion:

Coco Love Alcorn
Ndidi Onukwulu
Emm Gryner
The White Stripes

If you've got suggestions for a show that should be checked out, let me know. And then after Sunday night, I'm going to hibernate with a few cups of tea, jazz CDs and a couple of good books. Grandma style.


silas said...

You should check out Fury and the Mouse (ex-Saskatoon, now in Victoria) tonight at the Red Shift Gallery (20th Street West) with Colourbook and Cobras Cobras Cobras. It's an early show, maybe you can fit it in?

Jeanette Stewart said...

I'm going to Coco Love Alcorn tonight, otherwise I would so be there. I was sad to miss them on Tuesday, but frankly I was burnt right out.

Jen said...

I got to see Ndidi Onukwulu in Halifax this past winter and she's really great. So energizing.