Sunday, June 10, 2007

I Like The Flu

I love buskers, especially the ones with even a smidgen of talent. Okay, there’s this guy on Broadway who just strums the strings of a beat up acoustic guitar really aggressively and yells swear words and I love him too.

The point of this is, is that I saw a bunch of kids setting up instruments across the street from the Bessborough Hotel on Friday at lunch time. I probably wouldn’t have waited through their set-up except for the fact that the double bass player was a good foot and a half shorter than his instrument and I wanted to see what was going to happen.

Well after the lead guitarist noodled his way through a Guns N’Roses song in the sound check, the band played some jazz. It was fun, the bystanders clapped, the sun shone and someone threw a five in the open guitar case. Everyone wins.

The manager/adult with the group said they are all in high school (except for the bass player, who is in grade 6) and play lots of gigs around town.

The point of this is, is that groups like The Flu make Saskatoon into a fun city to live in, and gives it a little bit of a big city vibe. More Flu please.

1 comment:

Julie Cortens said...

I saw The Flu at the Farmers Market this weekend. Very entertaining! The crowd was impressed and so was I - there were several fivers in the open guitar case. The double bass player takes the cake though - when his face grows into his sunglasses he will be quite the jazz artist I think.