Friday, August 3, 2007


WHO: Jiminy
WHERE: Lydia's
WHEN: Aug. 2/07

Jiminy is a new band on the scene, a funk-ska-plus turntables fusion that instantly brings to mind thoughts of other funk-band-in-town The Huxtabulls.

First performing at open-mic a couple months ago, the group went straight to headlining a show, albeit the open-mic-champion night at Lydia's. How they became open mic champions is unclear. The band members didn't know.

Either way, the bar was packed. The first evening of Fringe helped to draw the crowd, plus the sizeable number of friends the band members have.

Notably missing was jazz guitarist Andrew Dickson who played with the group in their first performance. Notables were Enver Hampton on guitar and Kayleigh Smith on keys. Other than that... If I were a grade-school teacher I'd write, "needs improvement" or some other perfunctory keep-trying type of remark. Oh wait. I just did. Seriously though, there is a lot of potential here, but that's the beauty of open mic.

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