Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Hi All,

As some of you may be aware, I've relocated to the Queen City to finish the rest of my journalism degree. I'd like to continue the sounds, but most of them will be in Regina from now on.

And because of the craziness of school, posts may become even further apart and way less "professional", but I'd like to continue my little stories about music.

So, without further ado... I announce: "Saskatchewan!Sounds"

Um... oh the exclamation mark? No barbs at million-dollar ad campaigns in that title.

Keep reading,

- J

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phew. Thank goodness you survived the tour and those boys. Glad to hear "the road" has infiltrated your pores. You'll never shake it. Of course, some roads are better than others. The one to Boston? Titillating. The one to Lloydminster, not so much. Lloydminster is fine, but getting there isn't.